Sunday, September 11, 2005

MYF committee year 2005/2006

We would like to welcome new Chinese Methodist Youth Fellowship committee 2005-2006. May the Lord grant them strength and faith as they continue to serve the Lord in Youth ministry.

主席: 陈芳恩弟兄
副主席: 林孝明弟兄
文书: 程进宝姐妹
财政: 刘怡欣姐妹
信仰组 (正): 刘适辉弟兄
信仰组 (副): 詹绍益弟兄
宣教组 (正): 钱正圣弟兄
宣教组 (副): 卓毅杰弟兄
团契组 (正): 黄玉慧姐妹
团契组 (副): 陈芳琴姐妹
公民组 (正): 林应栋弟兄
公民组 (副): 叶乃浒弟兄

"However I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete task the Lord Jesus had given me."

Acts 20:35

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sunny & Ann's Wedding

We congratulate Sunny and Ann as they tied the knot as husband and wife.

The wedding ceremony was held at Christ Church Grammar School chapel. The ceremony started with a procession by Rev. Chiew, Sunny and his bestmans and the choirs. Shun Hern was the page boy and he led the bridal procession, followed by the flower girl with the maid-of-honour, bridesmaid and lastly, the bride with her father. Ann wore a wedding dress specially designed for her by her mother's friend.

The ceremony ran smoothly, with presentations from CMCA, Nedlands choir and The Bridge Children's Choir. After the ceremony, the guest were invited for refreshment and photo sessions.

For more information, photos and video, please visit the link.
Sunny & Ann's Wedding


Monday, September 05, 2005

Andrew & Francis Wedding

Heartiest congratulation to Andrew and Frances on their marriage held this morninng at CMCA Nedlands. The groom and bride arrived in a classic Bentley, superb. Though thw wind was strong, everyone greeted the couple with warmth and smiles.

The invocation was prepared by Rev. Allen Chen and followed by the hymn "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee". Mr. Craig Tan read the scriptures from 1st Corinthians 13:1-8 and Ephesians 5:19-33. After that, the adult choir presented a hymn "Pray for Love" to the couple. Rev Albert Chiew shared a memorable sermon on 3 C's in marriage, Christ, Committment and Communication. Then, Rev. Chiew and Mrs. Chiew dedicated a song to the newly wed, "Two Rings". They should bought the copyright, this song was made famous by them since they first sang in Roger and Christine wedding ceremony.

The solemnization of marriage was officiated by Rev. Chiew, the vows, the ring exchange and of course the kiss. The youth choir also presented " Love is patient, love is kind" as they signed the relevant documents.

After the benediction, we had the recessional wedding march and followed by photo session. Oh yes, an "oishii" lunch after all. :P

"May God bless Andrew and Frances in their Marriage".
