Monday, August 28, 2006

First Anniversary

Yik Kiet informed me last week that 28th of August would be this blog's 1st anniversary. Praise the Lord! The blog is still up and running.

This project is not an official MYF project and was started by some youths in the MYF to promote MYF Nedlands to the MYF youths, alumni and friends. Thus, we dont have any financial support nor official obligation.

The graph above is the monthly visit for this blog from January to August (last year's August to December data cannot be retrieved). The blue indicator is the number of unique visit while the orange one is the return visit indicator. The green is pageloads which dont mean much.

It has been an enjoyable journey for the blog team members as they write and see growths in the blog visit. One year anniversary is just the start of the next journey, 2nd anniversary. I hope the blog would continue to serve its purpose as a communication mean for MYF Nedlands. In addition, I hope that this blog would serve in encouraging new friends, both local and overseas, to know us and join us in near future.

Last but not least, I would like to thank Yik Kiet for his constant help, brothers and sisters who have contributed photos and also to all the visitors, thank you for your support.

May the Lord continue to bless the youth ministry.

Family of Youths for Youths,

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Rev. Joel Siew

I'll post some thoughts presented by Rev. Joel Siew Chiu Huo 蕭招和牧師 on the 15, 16 and 18th sharing. He can be contacted at P.O.Box 13515, Kota Kinabalu 88839, Sabah, Malaysia.

18th August:
只有看耶稣会安心, 会开心

18th August:
科学发达 痛苦加增
医药进步 怪病更多
教育普遍 道德更差
宗教更多 异端邪道也多 假冒伪善更多

17th August:
(wordings not exact)

16th August:
0再加0还是0 不分加減或除乘
算來算去都是0 加多一點也不能

若在0前加個1 就有大大的差別
後邊0位越加多 數目越來越多

請問前邊1是誰 原來正指主耶稣
虛空加上祂充滿 缺乏隨時變有餘

切記1字要在前 千萬莫放後邊
耶稣若非居首位 00照舊不值錢

16th August:
If you want a GOOD life, you need GOD in your life. Without GOD, all you have is a zero "O".


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sacred Music Sunday

This morning was the Sacred Music Sunday. We encourage those who are not involved in any ministry and like to sing, in joining the choir. A few picture of the small string ensemble and the choir this morning.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tell The World

EMYF has organized a "Tell The World" concert on 12th August 2006. There were skits, choirs, musical presentations and lots more. It was amazing! Those who went were very impressed with the performances.

I'll write the summary soon...

Photos courtesy of Jason, I'll see if he can provide some photos of the dances. Thanks Jason.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Western District Revival Meeting

On August 15th and 16th, the Western District will be organising revival meetings which will be lead by Rev. Joel Siaw. The venue will be at our church. This is indeed God's blessing for bringing Rev Joel Siaw to Perth.

Rev Joel Siaw is the pioneer who had the vision to start Methodist church in Perth. He has seen the needs of chinese people in Perth. Hence, in 1991, he started fellowship groups and services with some brothers and sisters in Christ. With God's blessing, today we have 3 Methodist church in WA. Rev Joel Siaw has retired from his pastorial committment with Sabah Annual conference in Sabah, Malaysia. However, until today, he continue to travel around the world, preaching gospels and help to build the churches.

Hence, we strongly encourage brothers and sisters to attend this revival meeting. You will gain benefit from his sharing.