Saturday, August 18, 2007

Second Anniversary

Oh yeah, we made it to the 2nd anniversary (28th August 2007). Praise the Lord! The blog is still up and running.

It has been an another enjoyable year in blogging MYF events. I hope the blog would continue to serve its purpose as a communication mean for MYF Nedlands. In addition, I hope that this blog would continue in encouraging new friends, both local and overseas, to know us and join us in near future.

I would like to thank Yik Kiet for his constant help, brothers and sisters who have contributed photos and also to all the visitors, thank you for your support. Yik Kiet has been the handy man behind the side bar updates. He also incorporated a good idea of having a tagboard. Yik kiet had suggested having a forum but I had a debate with him on whether his effort would pay off, considering not many people comment on the blog. Let alone a discussion in a forum.

The greatest happiness is that we do have a good visiting length record. Most visitors took their time and read the blog. Visit length of more than 30 seconds to an hour usually contribute to more than 50%. The other half took less than 5 seconds. At the moment, we only have visitors from Australia (4/5) and Malaysia (1/5). Sometimes I see one or two from New zealand. The only disappointment I had was the lack of response in comments.

The graph above is the monthly visit for this since our first anniversary. The blue indicator is the number of unique visit while the orange one is the return visit indicator. The green is pageloads.

We also see the birth of EMYF blog on the 20th February 2006. It was joyful to see that they also have this vision. We are proud to say that only MYF in WA has blogs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really havent heard or seen other than ours. Well, CMCA EMP just started their website and their youth page not long ago.

It'll be good for our church to have an official website, then we can link to it. They had the plan 2 years ago but apparently no result. I would like to see more people involved in the blog "ministry". The EMYF has good team members.

In the near future, I wonder if we should stick with MYF Nedlands or MYF Kingsway ????

May the Lord continue to bless the youth ministry.

Family of Youths for Youths,

First anniversary post

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Happy Birthday


One of our earliest post was on Rev. Allen Chen.
